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한국식품기업 CJ 푸드(CJ Foods Manufacturing Beaumont Corporation, CJ CheilJedang/ CJ제일제당)가 생산한 닭고기국물만두(Steamed Chicken Soup Dumplings, $3.49) 6만1천파운드가 플라스틱 오염 가능성으로 리콜됐다. 미 농무부 식품안전검사국(U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service)은 12월 7일 캘리포니아 보몬트 공장에서 제조되어 전국의 트레이더 조(Trader Joe's)에서 팔려온 치킨수프 덤플링을 구입한 소비자는 폐기하거나 반품하라고 조언했다. 이 제품으로 인한 부작용이나 부상은 보고되지 않았다. 

*문의: CJ Foods Manufacturing Beaumont Corporation,  Consumer Experience Department (800-544-6855).


수프덤플링은 중국 남동부 강남(江南, Jiangnan)에서 유래된 샤오롱바오(Xiao Long Bao)로 CJ푸즈가 생산해왔다는 것은 흥미롭다. 맨해튼 차이나타운의 조즈 샹하이(Joe's Shanghai)에서 인기있는 메뉴이기도 하다. 


*트레이더 조(Trader Joe's)가 꽁꽁 숨기고 있는 비밀



Steamed Chicken Soup Dumplings, $3.49


Soup goes in a bowl or in a cup—unless, of course, you are a fan of Xiao Long Bao. Then, your soup goes in a dumpling. Trader Joe’s Steamed Chicken Soup Dumplings are a wonder to behold, both for their display of Chinese food innovation, and for their incredibly comforting flavor profile.


This concept originates in the Jiangnan region of southeastern China, where Shanghai is situated. Xiao Long Bao are essentially soup dumplings, but instead of dumplings that go in the soup (though you can still certainly make this happen), the soup actually goes inside these dumplings. Our expert Chinese dumpling supplier forms their wheat flour dumpling dough with a specially formulated proprietary production method that seals each dumpling, allowing them to hold the maximum amount of savory broth—broth made from ingredients includ- ing chicken, onion, green onion, soy sauce, and ginger. Once the soup is wrapped in the dough and sealed (Bao means “wrapped” in Chinese), it is steamed until fully cooked (Xiao Long refers to a traditional Chinese bamboo steamer). Lastly, our dumplings are put into microwave-safe packages and frozen so we can deliver them to you.


To enjoy, you simply cut the corner of the bag and microwave for 1 to 2 minutes. Let your Dumplings sit for at least another minute before removing from microwave. The insides will be very hot, so be careful! We suggest placing a hot Soup Dumpling on a deep Chinese soup spoon and nibbling a little hole in the side to let the soup run out before enjoying soup and dumpling together.



*61,000 pounds of Trader Joe’s chicken soup dumplings recalled due to possible contamination with hard plastic


*트레이더 조가 꽁꽁 숨기고 있는 것
  • sukie 2024.03.12 19:32
    CJ 푸드가 미국인의 입맛을 당겨서 날로날로 잘 소비되고 있다는 소식이 기뻤습니다. 한국식품이나 물건이 인기가 있어서 판매고가 올라간다고 하면 기분이 좋아요. 단 한가지 이유는 I am Korean이라는 자존감과 애국심입니다. 그런데 CJ 푸드에서 만든 닭고기 만두가 리콜이 돼서 매장에서 축출되었다니 언짢은 감정입니다. 6만 파운드이상이나 되는 적잖은 양의 만두있데~ 안타까울 뿐입니다.