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2018년 데뷔소설 '인센디어리즈 (The incendiaries, 방화범들)'로 주목받은 코리안아메리칸 작가 권오경(R. O. Kwon/ Reese Okyong Kwon)씨가 최근 신작 소설 '전시/Exhibit'(Riverhead Books 간)을 출간했다. 이 소설은 발레리나(리디아 정)를 사랑하는 사진작가(진 한), 두 여성의 러브 스토리다.


권오경씨는 서울에서 태어나 3살 때 LA로 이주 독실한 기독교 가정에서 자랐다. 17살 때 신앙의 위기를 겪었으며, 예일대를 거쳐 브루클린칼리지에서 미술 석사학위를 받았다. 대학 신입생 윌과 피비의 격정적인 관계를 다룬 첫 소설 '인센디어리즈'는 지난해 문학과지성사에서 한국어판으로 출간됐으며, 드라마라도 제작될 예정이다. 권오경씨는 2018년 트위터에 자신이 양성애자라고 밝혔다. 




R. O. Kwon



From bestselling author R. O. Kwon, an exhilarating, blazing-hot novel about a woman caught between her desires and her life.

At a lavish party in the hills outside of San Francisco, Jin Han meets Lidija Jung and nothing will ever be the same for either woman. A brilliant young photographer, Jin is at a crossroads in her work, in her marriage to her college love Philip, and in who she is and who she wants to be. Lidija is an alluring, injured world-class ballerina on hiatus from her ballet company under mysterious circumstances. Drawn to each other by their intense artistic drives, the two women talk all night.


Cracked open, Jin finds herself telling Lidija about an old familial curse, breaking a lifelong promise. She's been told that if she doesn't keep the curse a secret, she risks losing everything; death and ruin could lie ahead. As Jin and Lidija become more entangled, they realize they share more than the ferocity of their ambition, and begin to explore hidden desires. Something is ignited in Jin: her art, her body, and her sense of self irrevocably changed. But can she avoid the specter of the curse? Vital, bold, powerful, and deeply moving, Exhibit asks: how brightly can you burn before you light your life on fire?



Publisher: Riverhead Books

Publication Date: May 20, 2024

Binding: Hardcover

