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파블로 피카소가 뮤즈 마리 테레즈 월터를 모델로 그린 '시계 찬 여인(Femme à la montre, 1932)'이 11월 8일 소더비 뉴욕 경매에서 1억3천940만 달러에 팔렸다. 이는 피카소 작품 경매사상 두번째 비싼 가격이다. 최고가는 2015년 1억7천940만 달러에 팔린 '알제리의 여인들(Les femmes d’Alger)'이다. 올해는 피카소 사망 50주기다. 


Highest prices ever achieved For Picasso At Auction:

$179.4m – 알제리의 여인들 Les femmes d’Alger, May 2015 

$139.4m - 시계 찬 여인 Femme à la montre, Nov. 2023

$115m – 꽃바구니를 든 소녀 Fillette à la corbeille fleurie, May 2018 

$106.5m – 누드, 녹색 잎과 흉상 Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, May 2010

$104.2m – 파이프를 든 소년 Garçon à la pipe, May 2004 

$103.4m – 창가에 앉은 여인 Femme assise près d'une fenêtre, May 2021


Pablo Picasso’s 1932 Masterpiece, Femme à la montre, Achieves $139.4 Million

Second Most Valuable Work by Pablo Picasso Ever Sold at Auction


*Top Lot Sold at Auction this Year*

Landmark Result Achieved During the Historic Auction of 

The Emily Fisher Landau Collection


“One of Emily Fisher Landau’s first major purchases, Femme à la Montre is Pablo Picasso’s Mona Lisa. Painted 1932, when the artist is preparing for his major retrospective, there’s a feeling that he is literally painting his legacy, looking back at the past and reflecting on his own place in art history. The works from this moment are magnum opi meant to represent him at his apogee, which is just what this painting does.”

Brooke Lampley, Sotheby’s Global Chairman, Head of Global Fine Art


NEW YORK, 8 NOVEMBER - Appearing at auction for the very first time, Pablo Picasso’s magnificent Femme à la montre, the prized jewel of the Emily Fisher Landau Collection, sold for $139.4m at Sotheby’s New York just now, becoming the second most valuable work by the artist ever sold at auction and taking its place among the top ten works ever sold at auction.  


Depicting the artist’s love and ‘golden muse’ Marie-Thérèse Walter, the painting was executed in 1932, widely considered the artist’s ‘year of wonders’ – a year so important an entire museum exhibition has been dedicated to it. Tonight, this exceptional work took its place as the most valuable ever sold at auction from that standout year, eclipsing by a wide margin the previous high for a work from this year ($106.5 million achieved for Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, in 2010). 


Still underway (the Picasso was lot 10 of this evening’s 31-lot offering), the evening sale of the Emily Fisher Landau Collection  continues. Thus far this evening a number of new benchmarks have already been set, with new records established for Agnes Martin and Mark Tansey. Further works by the titans of 20th century art still to be offered, including major works by Georgia O’Keefe, Ed Rusha, and Andy Warhol. 


The auction of the Emily Fisher Landau Collection marks the first of  Sotheby’s  Marquee New York Sales, a week of major auctions that includes the Modern Evening Auction (Monday, 13 November), The Now Evening Auction (Wednesday, 15 November), and the Contemporary Evening Auction (Wednesday, 15 November). The sale series will also include a single-lot auction presented by RM Sotheby’s for a 1962 Ferrari GTO (Monday, 13 November), which, with an estimate in excess of $60 million, could become the most valuable Ferrari ever sold at auction.


Sotheby's Modern Evening Auction will include several additional works by Pablo Picasso, celebrating the full range of his artistic output, from the inception of Analytical Cubism to his late-period portraits. Leading the offerings will be Compotier et guitare (1932), not only one of the most valuable still lifes by the artist ever offered at auction (estimated to achieve in the region of $25 million), the work can also be read as a coded portrait of his muse and lover Marie-Thérèse.


Pablo Picasso’s Femme à la montre: 

Femme à la montre was painted by Picasso in August 1932, soon after the close of his first, large-scale retrospective at the Galeries Georges Petit in Paris. Finally free from the stresses of the exhibition and the strain of secrecy around his clandestine affair with Marie-Thérèse – the artist was able to give full painterly voice to his love for her. Picasso’s first encounter with his young muse, and their subsequent love affair, is legendary. They first met outside the Galeries Lafayette in Paris one day in 1927,a brief exchange marking the start of a passionate relationship that was kept a well-guarded secret for years, both on account of the fact that Picasso was then still married to Russian-Ukrainian dancer Olga Khokhlova. 


Among the many paintings Picasso created in his long and varied career, only three major works, including this, are known to feature a watch, yet watches were objects of immense significance to him, in various ways. Picasso had a deep passion for exceptional timepieces, and in fact owned three of the greatest watches in existence. To depict his young lover wearing one of his treasured watches was therefore to bestow on her the greatest of honors – a gesture not lost on Marie-Thérèse, who had ‘an almost superstitious reverence’ for the watch. At the same time, the presence of the watch nods to the centuries-old tradition of Vanitas painting, with its references to the transience of both love and life.


Mrs. Fisher Landau bought this painting in 1968, right at the start of her collecting journey. This major acquisition was a bold move for a new collector, but she understood full well that it was not the sort of work she should pass up: she bought it on the spot, and it remained the keystone of her collection for more than five decades, hanging above the mantle in her New York home.


Previous Highest Price For An Artwork Sold At Auction This Year: 

$108.4m – Gustave Klimt, Dame mit Fächer (Lady with a Fan), (Sotheby's, June)


Sotheby’s has achieved the highest price at auction in each key selling center this year: 

London: $108.4m – Gustave Klimt, Dame mit Fächer (Lady with a Fan), June 2023

Hong Kong: $34.8m - Amadeo Modigliani, Paulette Jourdain, October 2023

New York: $139.4m Pablo Picasso, Femme a la Montre , November 2023


*피카소와 일곱 뮤즈 <2> 마리-테레즈 월터, 도라 마르

