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라이크스뮤지엄의 베르메르 특별전 'VERMEER'(2/10-6/4)을 보러 보러 네덜란드 암스테르담로 향하는 미술광들이 많다. 암스테르담은 17세기부터 20세기까지 세계 최고 미술가들의 고향이기도 했다. 아트뉴스페이퍼가 추천하는 암스테르담에서 꼭 봐야할 걸작 10점을 소개했다. 


Ten essential artworks to see in Amsterdam

1. Rembrandt's The Night Watch (1642), Rijksmuseum, Museumstraat

2. Kazimir Malevich's An Englishman in Moscow (1914), Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Museumplein

3. Anton Mauve's Morning Ride along the Beach (1876), Rijksmuseum, Museumstraat

4. Michel de Klerk's Museum Het Schip (1919), Oostzaanstraat

5. Piet Mondrian's Composition No. IV, with Red, Blue, and Yellow (1929), Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Museumplein

6. Johannes Vermeer's The Milkmaid (around 1660), Rijksmuseum, Museumstraat

7. Vincent van Gogh's Wheatfield with Crows (1890), Van Gogh Museum, Museumplein

8. The Sheep Room (17th-19th centuries), Museum Van Loon, Keizersgracht

9. Jan Asselijn's The Threatened Swan (around 1650), Rijksmuseum, Museumstraat

10. Karel Appel's Femmes, enfants, animaux (1951), Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Sandbergplein (Amstelveen)


Heading to the Vermeer blockbuster at the Rijksmuseum? Here are some other unmissable masterpieces in the Dutch capital

