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Nike “Moon Shoe”, 1972     

Stadium Goods: The Ultimate Sneaker Collection

*1972년 제작 나이키 와플 레이싱 플랫 '문슈즈'가 23일 뉴욕 소더비에서 43만 7천 500 달러에 경매됐다. 이는 스니커 경매 사상 최고 가격이다. 예상가는 16만 달러였다. <Update>


에르메스 핸드백 뿐만 아니라 희귀 스니커도 컬렉터들의 수집품이 됐다.

캐나다의 투자가 마일스 나달(Miles Nadal)이 소더비와 스태디움 굿즈 프라이빗 세일에서 희귀 스니커 99켤레를 85만 달러에 구입했다. 1972 나이키 와플 레이싱 플랫 '문 슈즈' 등를 제외한 Nike, Adidas, Air Jordan 제작 희귀 스니커 99켤레는 토론토의 개인 자동차 뮤지엄 Dare to Dream Automobile Museum에 전시될 예정이다. 

나이키 '문 슈즈'는 1972년 나이키의 공동 창업자이자 오레곤대학교의 트랙 코치였던 빌 보워만(Bill Bowerman)이 뮌헨 올림픽을 위해 디자인한 스니커. 땅바닥에 와플 모양을 남기는 솔과 달착륙 때 우주비행사들이 남긴 발자국에서 영감을 얻어 이름을 '문 슈즈'라 지었다. 이 스니커는 나이키의 첫 직원이었던 제프 홀리스터(Geoff Hollister)가 총 12켤레만 만들었으며, 오직 1켤레(사이즈 12.5)만 새것으로 알려졌다. 

나이키 '문 슈즈'는 오는 23일까지 온라인 경매가 진행되며, 예상가는 10만-16만 달러다. 소더비는 100점의 희귀 스니커 컬렉션(ULTIMATE SNEAKER COLLECTION)을 7월 23일까지 전시한다. 



Estimate: 110,000 - 160,000 USD

Lot Details


Nylon, Leather/Suede, Rubber



Catalogue Note

The Nike “Moon Shoe” is one of the most significant artifacts in the history of the multi-billion dollar athletic brand. One of only a handful of pairs known to exist, this Moon Shoe is a handmade running shoe designed by Nike co-founder and legendary Oregon University track coach Bill Bowerman. As the famous story goes, Bowerman was first inspired to create the innovative waffle sole traction pattern found on the brand’s early running shoes by tinkering with his wife’s waffle iron, pouring rubber into the mold to create the first prototype of the sole. The finished design of the traction pattern created better grip and cushion than most running shoes of the time, and the waffle sole was Nike’s first major innovation as a brand. The “Moon Shoe” got its name from the resemblance between the impression that the waffle pattern left in dirt and the famous tracks left on the moon by astronauts in 1969. By coincidence, the 50th anniversary of the moon landing takes place while this auction is live, on July 20th.

This pair was hand-cobbled by one of Nike’s first employees, Geoff Hollister. Due to the handmade quality, each pair is irregular and one of a kind. The waffle outsoles are in two pieces because Nike did not have the technology to make one piece soles at the time. The soles also have markings visible around the perimeter of the rubber from shears that were used to hand cut them into shape. The upper features a white nylon construction with black Swooshes sewn on each side with fishing line. The pair does not say “Nike” anywhere inside or outside the design, with only the side Swooshes designating them as a Nike shoe. Made for runners at the 1972 Olympic Trials, only about 12 pairs of the Moon Shoes were created, and less than that still remain today. This is the only pair known to exist in unworn, deadstock condition.

