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Hans Christian Andersen Awards 2022

Marie-Aude Murail of France as Author

Suzy Lee of the Republic of Korea as Illustrator




동화작가, 일러스트레이터, 번역가로 활동해온 이수지(Suzy Lee, 48)씨가 2022 한스 크리스찬 안데르센상 일러스트레이터상을 수상했다고 국제아동청소년도서협의회(IBBY)가 21일 볼로냐 국제아동도서전에서 발표했다. 동화 작가상은 프랑스의 마리-오드 뮤레일(Marie-Aude Murail)이 수상했다.


'아동문학계의 노벨상'으로 불리우는 안데르센상은 1956년 '미운 오리 새끼' '벌거벗은 임금님' '성냥팔이 소녀' 등의 덴마크 출신 동화작가 한스 크리스찬 안데르센의 이름을 따서 설립됐다. 수상작(자)은 2년마다 발표된다.



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이수지씨는 1974년 서울에서 태어나 서울대 서양화과 졸업 후 런던 캄버웰미대에서 수학했다. 프랑스어로 출간된 'LA REVANCHE DES LAPINS(토끼들의 복수, 이수지 글-그림, 2003)'으로 볼로냐 국제어린이도서전 '올해의 일러스트레이터'에 선정됐으며, 'WAVE(파도야 놀자, 2008)로 뉴욕타임스 최우수 그림동화책(Best Illustrated Children's Book)에 선정됐으며, 미일러스트레이터소사이어티 '올해의 원화전' 금메달을 수상했다. 또한 'SHADOW(그림자 놀이, 2010)'도 뉴욕타임스 최우수 그림동화책에 꼽혔다. 


'물이 되는 꿈' '그림자 놀이' '이렇게 멋진 날' '아빠, 나한테 물어봐' '우로마' '이 작은 책을 펼쳐봐' '할머니의 저녁식사' '사랑해 사랑해 우리 아가' '브루키와 작은 양' '그림자는 내 친구' '여름이 온다' 'The Beautiful Day' '엄마의 공책' '열려라! 문' '달려라 루디' '우리 눈사람' 등의 번역, 일러스트레이터를 담당했으며, 직접 스토리를 쓰고 그린 책 '선' '거울 속으로' '강이' '동물원' '움직이는 ㄱㄴㄷ', '토끼들의 밤' '이상한 나라의 앨리스' '검은 새' '그늘을 산 총각' '나의 명원 화실' 등을 출간했다. 이수지씨는 2015년 한스 크리스찬 안데르센상 최종 후보에 올랐었다.



Hans Christian Andersen Awards 2022


The Hans Christian Andersen Award is the highest international distinction given to authors and illustrators of children's books.  Given every other year by IBBY, the Hans Christian Andersen Awards recognize lifelong achievement and are given to an author and an illustrator whose complete works have made an important, lasting contribution to children's literature.


HCAA 2022 Winners

The winners of the 2022 Hans Christian Andersen Award are Marie-Aude Murail of France as Author and Suzy Lee of the Republic of Korea as Illustrator. 




Marie-Aude Murail, Author

Marie-Aude Murail has written nearly a hundred books for children and adults and is acclaimed in France and abroad for her novels with their memorable characters. She was born 1954 in Le Havre into a family of artists: her father is a poet, her mother a journalist, her brother is a composer, another brother and her sister are writers for children. She studied literature at the Sorbonne University, where her doctoral thesis was about the adaptation of classic novels for young readers. She started writing romances for women’s magazines and in 1985 she published her first novel for adults. She began writing tales, stories and novels published in the magazines of the Bayard Group, including Astrapi, J'aime Lire and Je Bouquine. In 1987, her first children’s novel, Mystère (Mystery), was published and from then on, she devoted herself to writing for children and young people. Marie-Aude Murail has a gift for creating characters that have a special bond with the reader. Her novels explore various themes of politics, history, love, adventure and fantasy and have been translated into more than 27 languages. She has been awarded most French prizes in the field of children’s books, including for Oh, Boy! (2015) and she was selected for the 2010 IBBY Honour List for the story Miss Charity (2008). In 2004, she was made Chevailier de la Légion d’honneur and in 2017 was promoted to Officier de la Legion d’honneur in recognition for her work in the field of children’s literature. In parallel with her writing, she is an activist for literacy and children’s reading skills as well as the rights of refugee and migrant children. Marie-Aude Murail has been nominated several times for the Hans Christian Andersen Award: she was a Finalist in 2018 and 2020, and her book, Simple (2004) has been included in the list of books highlighted by the Andersen Jury as an outstanding work.




Suzy Lee, Illustrator

The wordless picture books of Suzy Lee have been recognised as unique literary and aesthetic innovations. Born in Seoul in 1974 in a home full of art and books, she studied painting at the College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University and upon graduation began illustrating children’s novels.  During studies at Camberwell College of Arts in the UK she took a draft of her Master's project, Alice in Wonderland, to the Bologna Children's Book Fair and it was published by Edizioni Corraini in 2002. Her next book Mirror was published in 2003 and became the first of the Border Trilogy: Mirror (2003), Wave (2008) and Shadow (2010). All three wordless stories share the physical centre of the book, the binding, that acts as a border between fantasy and reality in the actual story. On one side of the page, we see a little girl, in a mirror, at the seaside, in a storage room and on the other side of the page we see her fantasy and imagination. Wave has received several distinctions in the USA, including the New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book 2008 and was selected for the IBBY Silent Books Honour List in 2013. Shadow was also selected as the New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book in 2010 as well as the Premio FNLIJ, Brazil and Premio Albumilustrado, Gremio de Libros de Madrid, Spain. Her book Lines (2017) captures her love (and sometimes frustration) of line drawing and minimal colours in the story of a young skater. Her story of a rescued dog Kang-yi (River, 2018) was selected for the 2020 IBBY Honour List and won the Korea Book Award. Recently, she founded the independent publishing company Hintoki Press to publish her own experimental works inspired by old Korean folk motifs. Her involvement with the Vacance Project, a collective of other Korean picture book artists, led to the haunting book, Sim Cheong (2019). Suzy Lee was a Finalist for the 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Award. 




이수지 작가 한국인 첫 수상...안데르센상이란?

