Korean Artists
2015.03.02 13:02
뉴뮤지엄 2015 트리엔날레 정금형, 최원준씨 작품 초대
조회 수 14766 댓글 0
오늘의 환경을 해부하는 세계 신인작가 51인의 플랫폼
February 25 to May 24, 2015@New Museum
'세계 신인 아티스트들의 등용문' 뉴뮤지엄의 2015 트리엔날레(2015 New Museum Triennial)가 2월 25일부터 5월 24일까지 바워리스트릿의 뉴뮤지엄에서 열린다.
올해로 37회를 맞는 2015 트리엔날레의 주제는 '청중에 둘러싸인(Surround Audience)'으로 비디오아티스트 백남준과 실험영화작가 스탠 밴데르빅(Stan VanDerBeek)가 주도했던 멀티미디어 환경 속에서 일어나는 일상을 포착하는 작가들의 작품들을 선보인다.
큐레이터 로렌 코넬(Lauren Cornell)과 아티스트 라이언 트리카틴(Ryan Trecartin)은 미국과 한국 등 세계 25개국에서 내일의 미술계를 이끌어갈 작가 51명을 선정했다. 한인 작가로는 최원준씨와 정금형씨가 초대됐다.
최원준 Onejoon CHE '만수대 창작소(Mansoodae Master Class, 2014)' 외
'만수대 마스터 클래스'
북한이 70년대부터 현재까지 아프리카 여러 나라에 건설한 기념비와 건축물을 중심으로 과거 남북한 외교경쟁의 역사와 현재의 남북한 냉전 상황을 다루었다.
정금형 Geumhyung Jeong '휘트니스 가이드(Fitness Guide, 2011)'
'휘트니스 가이드(2011)'
체력 다지기에 혈안이 된 현대인. 헬스 기구가 인간화하고, 인간이 기계화한다면? 의인화한 운동기구와 인간을 통해 현대인의 에로티시즘을 탐구하는 것처럼 보이는 작품.
Nadim Abbas (b. 1980, Hong Kong, China. Lives and works in Hong Kong, China)
Lawrence Abu Hamdan (b. 1985, Amman, Jordan. Lives and works in London, UK)
niv Acosta (b. 1988, New York, NY, US. Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY, US)Njideka Akunyili Crosby (b. 1983, Enugu, Nigeria. Lives and works in Los Angeles, CA, US)
Sophia Al-Maria (b. 1983, Tacoma, WA, US. Lives and works in Doha, Qatar, and London, UK)
Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili (b. 1979, Tbilisi, Georgia. Lives and works in Berlin, Germany)
Ed Atkins (b. 1982, Oxford, UK. Lives and works in London, UK)
Olga Balema (b. 1984, Lviv, Ukraine. Lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Berlin, Germany)
Frank Benson (b. 1976, Norfolk, VA, US. Lives and works in New York, NY, US)
Sascha Braunig (b. 1983, Vancouver Island, Canada. Lives and works in Portland, ME, US)
Antoine Catala (b. 1975, Toulouse, France. Lives and works in New York, NY, US)
Aslı Çavuşoğlu (b. 1982, Istanbul, Turkey. Lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey)
José León Cerrillo (b. 1976, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico)
Onejoon CHE 최원준 (b. 1979, Seoul, South Korea. Lives and works in Seoul, South Korea)
Tania Pérez Córdova (b. 1979, Mexico City, Mexico. Lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico)
Verena Dengler (b. 1981, Vienna, Austria. Lives and works in Vienna, Austria)
DIS (Founded 2010, New York, NY, US)
Aleksandra Domanović (b. 1981, Novi Sad, SFR Yugoslavia. Lives and works in Berlin, Germany)
Casey Jane Ellison (b. 1988, Los Angeles, CA, US. Lives and works in Los Angeles, CA, and New York, NY, US)
Exterritory (Founded 2009, the Extraterritorial Waters)
Geumhyung Jeong 정금형(b. 1980, Seoul, South Korea. Lives and works in Seoul, South Korea)
Ane Graff (b. 1974, Bodø, Norway. Lives and works in Oslo, Norway, and Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Guan Xiao (b. 1983, Sichuan Province, China. Lives and works in Beijing, China)
Shadi Habib Allah (b. 1977, Jerusalem, Palestine. Lives and works in New York, NY, US)
Eloise Hawser (b. 1985, London, UK. Lives and works in London, UK)
Lena Henke (b. 1982, Warburg, Germany. Lives and works in New York, NY, US)
Lisa Holzer (b. 1971, Vienna, Austria. Lives and works in Vienna, Austria, and Berlin, Germany)
Juliana Huxtable (b. 1987, Houston, TX, US. Lives and works in New York, NY, US)
Renaud Jerez (b. 1982, Narbonne, France. Lives and works in Berlin, Germany)
K-HOLE (Founded 2010, New York, NY, US)
Shreyas Karle (b. 1981, Mumbai, India. Lives and works in Mumbai, India)Kiluanji Kia Henda (b. 1979, Luanda, Angola. Lives and works in Luanda, Angola, and Lisbon, Portugal)
Josh Kline (b. 1979, Philadelphia, PA, US. Lives and works in New York, NY, US)
Eva Koťátková (b. 1982, Prague, Czech Republic. Lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic)
Donna Kukama (b. 1981, Mafikeng, South Africa. Lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa)
Firenze Lai (b. 1984, Hong Kong, China. Lives and works in Hong Kong, China)
Oliver Laric (b. 1981, Innsbruck, Austria. Lives and works in Berlin, Germany)
Li Liao (b. 1982, Hubei, China. Lives and works in Shenzhen, China)
Rachel Lord (b. 1986, Washington, DC, US. Lives and works in Los Angeles, CA, US)
Basim Magdy (b. 1977, Assiut, Egypt. Lives and works in Cairo, Egypt, and Basel, Switzerland)
Nicholas Mangan (b. 1979, Geelong, Australia. Lives and works in Melbourne, Australia)
Ashland Mines (b. 1982, Pittsburgh, PA, US. Lives and works in Los Angeles, CA, US)
Shelly Nadashi (b. 1981, Haifa, Israel. Lives and works in Brussels, Belgium)
Eduardo Navarro (b. 1979, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Steve Roggenbuck (b. 1987, Harbor Beach, MI, US. Lives and works in Brunswick, ME, US)
Avery K. Singer (b. 1987, New York, NY, US. Lives and works in New York, NY, US)
Daniel Steegmann Mangrané (b. 1977, Barcelona, Spain. Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Martine Syms (b. 1988, Los Angeles, CA, US. Lives and works in Los Angeles, CA, US)
Lisa Tan (b. 1973, New York, NY, US. Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden)
Luke Willis Thompson (b. 1988, Auckland, New Zealand. Lives and works in Auckland, New Zealand, and Frankfurt, Germany)
Peter Wächtler (b. 1979, Hannover, Germany. Lives and works in Brussels, Belgium, and Berlin, Germany)
▶235 Bowery St.(bet. Rivington & Prince St.) 212-219-1222
▶개관시간: 월-화 폐관, 수요일 오전 11시-오후 6시, 목요일 오전 11시-오후 9시, 금토일요일 오전 11시-오후 6시