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Grand Canyon North Rim

Erasing Myself

Oh Sae-young

On the mountain,

to live along with the mountain

is to become the mountain

If a tree erases itself,

it becomes a forest;

if a forest erases itself,

it becomes a mountain.

On the mountain,

to live befriending the mountain

is to erase myself.

To erase myself

is also to erase you,

like a bellflower that blooms

by burning up longing

all night long.

When dew erases itself

it becomes fog;

when fog erases itself

it becomes a blue sky.

Likewise, on the mountain,

to live along with the mountain

is to erase myself.

*Translated by Dr. Chae-Pyong (“J.P.”) Song 송재평 교수 & Annie Rashid

Korean Poetry in Translation  https://jaypsong.wordpress.com

oh0.jpg Grand Canyon North Rim

나를 지우고



산과 더불어 산다는 것은

산이 된다는 것이다.

나무가 나무를 지우면

숲이 되고,

숲이 숲을 지우면

산이 되고,


산과 벗하여 산다는 것은

나를 지우는 일이다.

나를 지운다는 것은 곧

너를 지운다는 것,


그리움을 살라 먹고 피는


이슬이 이슬을 지우면

안개가 되고,

안개가 안개를 지우면

푸른 하늘이 되듯


산과 더불어 산다는 것은

나를 지우는 일이다.

신경림.jpg 오세영 (1942- )

전라남도 영광에서 태어나 서울대 국문과와 동대학원 졸업. 보성여고 교사와 충남대 교수를 거쳐 서울대 교수를 지냄. 1968년 현대문학에 시 ‘잠깨는 추상’으로 데뷔. 소월시문학상, 정지용문학상, 편운문학상, 공초문학상, 만해문학상 등 수상. 시집으로 ‘바람의 그림자’’수직의 꿈’’푸른 스커트의 지퍼’ 등이 있다.

Oh Se-young (1942~ )was born in Yeongkwang, Jeollanam-do. He is both a prolific poet and critic. He has published eighteencollections of poetry. His lyrical poetry is known for its simplicity; it is often imbued with Buddhist imagination of the emptiness of self and nonattachment to materialism. After years of shuttling between academia and creative writing, he has recently retired from teaching at Seoul National University. Oh is a recipient of many prestigious awards including the Sowol Poetry Award, the Jung Ji-yong Literary Award, and the Manhae Literary Award.
