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snow-jinyoungmi2.jpg 사진: 진영미

The Snowy Night

Moon Tae-jun

Oh, my lover

who had pure eyes;

oh, the silver scales

that occupied your eyes.

Tonight snow falls.

Oh, my poor lover

who wrapped my neck

with a white towel and washed my face,

a sacred quiet descends

upon the lonely planet.

I close my eyes

to remember the time

your hands washed my face.

*Translated by Dr. Chae-Pyong (“J.P.”) Song 송재평 교수 &  Anne Rashid

Korean Poetry in Translation  https://jaypsong.wordpress.com

눈 내리는 밤


말간 눈을 한


동공에 살던 은빛 비늘이여

오늘은 눈이 내린다

목에 하얀 수건을 둘러놓고 얼굴을 씻겨주던

가난한 애인이여,

외로운 천체에

성스러운 고요가 내린다

나는 눈을 감는다

손길이 나의 얼굴을 다 씻겨주는 시간을


Moon Tae-jun (1970-) has published four collections of poetry:Chattering Backyard (2000), Bare Foot (2004), Flatfish (2006), and Shadow’s Development (2008) as well as other essays and commentary. One of the most popular poets of the younger generation, Moon uses deceptively simple poetic language with profound lyricism, commenting on the struggle of daily life. Grounded in Buddhist philosophy, his poems speak with reverence for all forms of life and emphasize the necessity of emptying oneself. Moon is a recipient of many prestigious awards, including the Dongseo Literature Award (2004),  the Midang Literature Award (2005), and the Sowol Poetry Award (2007).

문태준 경상북도 김천 생. 고려대 국문과와 동국대학원 문예창작학과 졸업.1994년 《문예중앙》 신인문학상에 시〈處暑〉외 아홉 편이 당선되며 등단. 2004년 〈동서문학상〉, 〈노작문학상〉, 〈유심작품상〉, 2005년 〈미당문학상〉, 2007년 제21회〈소월시문학상〉 수상.
