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부끄러움이 돈방석. 도날드 트럼프가 지난 23일 조지아주에서 찍힌 머그샷(범죄인 식별 사진)을 이용한 티셔츠, 커피잔, 쿠키 등 머천다이징으로 며칠만에 7백만 달러 이상의 수익금을 챙겼다. 그러나, 이 머그샷은 풀턴카운티 경찰이 촬영한 것으로 저작권에 저촉될 수 있는 것으로 드러났다. 


"the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office would have exclusive rights under U.S. copyright law to reproduce, sell or otherwise distribute Trump’s mug shot, except for certain uses like publishing the photo for news purposes."


“the U.S. Copyright Act excludes from protection any works created by the federal government, but not state or local governments, so technically the state of Georgia owns the photo, subject to fair use limitations.”


Trump's Mugshot Merch May Be a Violation of Copyright Law that Could Cost Him Millions


The Dangerous Marketing of the Trump Mug Shot
Both sides are trying to profit from reducing this moment to a whole lotta merch.