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미디어 아티스트 임민욱(Minouk Lim)씨가 5월 17일 오후 6시 30분 맨해튼 아시아소사이어티(회장/CEO 강경화)에서 대화의 시간을 연다. 사회는 야수푸미 나카모리(Yasufumi Nakamori) 아시아소사이어티뮤지엄 디렉터가 맡는다. 임민욱 작가는 1968년 대전에서 태어나 이화여대 서양화과를 거쳐 파리 1대학 팡테옹 소르본느 조형예술학과, 파리 국립고등조형예술학교 회화과를 졸업했다.


그는 퍼포먼스를 기반으로 영상 설치, 일상의 오브제, 방송 장비, 운송 수단 등의 재료를 다루며 근대성과 정체서, 공동체와 기억, 시간과 공간으로 은폐된 장소에 대해 질문을 던져왔다. 임 작가는 리버풀, 리옹, 시드니, 광주 비엔날레 등지에 참가했으며, 삼성미술관 플라토, 서울시립미술관, 프랑크푸르트 포르티쿠스미술관, 미네아폴리스 워커아트센터, 뉴욕 티나김갤러리 등지에서 전시를 열었다. 에르메스 미술상(2017), 올해의 작가상 (과천국립현대미술관, 2012), 아시아아트 게임체인저상(Asia Arts Game Changer Award, 2024)을 수상했다. 



Artist talk: Minouk Lim in conversation with Yasufumi Nakamori


Friday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m.

at Asia Society New York 



Portable Keeper Sea, 2020. HD video and sound in loop. 5 minutes 22 seconds. ⓒ Minouk Lim 


Multimedia artist and 2024 Asia Arts Game Changer Awardee Minouk Lim discusses the evolution of her artistic practice over the last twenty years. She is joined in conversation by Yasufumi Nakamori, Director, Asia Society Museum and Vice President of Arts and Culture, Asia Society. This event will be held at Asia Society New York, 725 Park Ave (at 70th St), on Friday, May 17, at 6:30 p.m.


Minouk Lim (b. 1968) is an artist of many forms, creating works that are beyond the boundary of different genres and media, and deepening the scope of questions while encompassing writing, music, video, installation and performance as her means of artistic expression. Lim’s work recalls historic losses, ruptures, and repressed traumas. Rooted in language, and specifically the politics of expression, of what has been said and what that, in turn, has silenced, her sculptures, videos, performances, and installations don’t replay past events, rather, they elevate the experiences, memories, and feelings of those sidelined by the political violence of the Korean war and its ensuing process of modernization.


Minouk has participated in a number of group exhibitions and biennials including the Asia Society Triennial (2020), the Gwangju Biennial (2020 & 2014), the Setouchi Triennale (2016) Sydney and Taipei Biennial (2016), Paris Triennale (2012), Liverpool Biennial (2010), Political populism (Kunsthalle Wien 2015), The Time of Others (Museum of Tokyo, 2010) and Your Bright Future: 12 Contemporary Artists from Korea (LACMA, 2009-2010). Lim’s works are collected at National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Arts, Korea; Gyeonggi Museum of Art; Seoul City Art Museum; Kandist Art Foundation, San Francisco; Walker Art Center; and ArtSonje Center, Korea.


Dr. Yasufumi Nakamori is the Director of Asia Society Museum and Vice President of Arts and Culture, Asia Society. He was previously at the Tate, where he served as Senior Curator, International Art (Photography). He has advised on numerous programming and acquisition initiatives on photography, Asian and Asian diaspora art at Tate Modern and provided strategic management for photography at Tate Britain. He served on Tate’s inaugural Race Equality Task Force and the steering committee for the Hyundai Tate Research Centre: Transnational.


Prior to Tate, Nakamori headed the Department of photography and New Media at the Minneapolis Institute of Art from 2016 to 2018 (where he curated exhibitions of artists including Amar Kanwar, Leslie Hewitt, and Naoya Hatakeyama) and served as curator of photography at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston from 2008 to 2016. His catalogue Katsura: Picturing Modernism in Japanese Architecture: Photographs by Ishimoto Yasuhiro received a 2011 Alfred Barr Jr. Award from the College Art Association. He also taught graduate seminars focusing on the history of modern and contemporary Japanese art and architecture at Rice University and Hunter College, CUNY.

Tickets to this event are $8 Asia Society Members, $15 Non-Members. Students/Seniors: Use coupon code SENSTU for discount at checkout. Tickets may be purchased online here or at the door.



  • sukie 2024.05.15 18:34
    미술 분야가 미디어의 발전과 보급으로 무궁무진하게 발전되고 있네요 미디어 아티스트가 있고 퍼포먼스를 펼치면서 무언으로 자기생각을 알리는 예술도 있네요. 벽에 걸어놓은 액자 속의 그림을 감상하는 시대에, 큰 변화가 일고있네요. 앞으로 전개될 미술이 궁금합니다.