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1900년부터 1955년까지 미 이민자와 유색인종이 모던 댄스에 끼친 영향을 탐구하는 특별전 'Border Crossings: Exile and American Modern Dance, 1900-1955'이 6월 8일부터 내년 3월 16일까지 링컨센터 퍼포밍아트 뉴욕공립도서관에서 열린다.  


The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts Presents Border Crossings: Exile and American Modern Dance, 1900–1955 


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This large-scale exhibition celebrates the contribution of immigrant and BIPOC dancers to modern dance, opening June 8, 2023 through March 16, 2024.


The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center celebrates the fundamental contributions of immigrant and BIPOC dancers to the canon of modern art in a new large-scale exhibition, Border Crossings: Exile and American Modern Dance, 1900–1955. Through an examination of war, exile, inequality, and injustice, the exhibition constructs a new narrative of 20th century modern dance performance with a fuller, more inclusive history focusing on the exiled and marginalized dancers that catalyzed modern dance. Using archival material from the Jerome Robbins Dance Division, the curators, Drs. Ninotchka Bennahum and Bruce Robertson, examine the crucial issues of geopolitical events and structural racism at the heart of American modern dance.


By focusing on the act of crossing borders, Border Crossings celebrates a diverse range of dance artists who contributed movement language that came out of their lived experience to become what we know as modern dance. Throughout several gallery spaces, the Library features the life and work of artists, including Si-Lan Chen, Katherine Dunham, Edna Guy, Michio Ito, José Limón, Pearl Primus, Uday Shankar, Anna Sokolow, and groups like the New Dance Group and the American Negro Ballet Company. 


The exhibition includes:

● Costume items worn by Ted Shawn, José Limón, and Carmalita Maracci

● Drawings by Miguel Covarrubias, Jerome Robbins, and Janet Collins

● Rare photographs of Michio Ito, Si-Lan Chen, and Yeichi Nimura

● Hours of rare dance footage depicting dance forms from the Lindy-Hop to Bharatnatyam


Through photography, costumes, moving image, and archival objects pulled from the wide ranging collection of the Jerome Robbins Dance Division, the exhibition tells a new narrative about the birth of modern dance in the U.S. The final room culminates with a series of interviews with contemporary choreographers, like Kyle Abraham, Rachna Nivas, and Pam Tanowitz who reflect on exile and border crossings within their work.


Border Crossings is curated by Ninotchka Bennahum, Professor of Theater and Dance, and Bruce Robertson, Professor Emeritus of History of Art & Architecture, both at the University of California, Santa Barbara.


Border Crossings is made possible through the generosity of Jody and John Arnhold Arnhold Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Gladys Krieble Delmas

Foundation, and The Jerome Robbins Foundation. 


The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts gratefully acknowledges the leadership support of Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman. Additional support for exhibitions has been provided by Judy R. and Alfred A. Rosenberg and the Miriam and Harold Steinberg Foundation.
