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서울시무용단(Seoul Metropolitan Dance Theatre, 단장 정혜진)이 7월 20일부터 22일까지 링컨센터 내 데이빗 H. 코크 시어터에서 '일무(One Dance)'를 공연한다. 지난해 5월 세종문화회관에서 초연된 정혜진 안마의 '일무'는 국가무형문화재 제 1호이자 UNESCO 세계인류무형문화유산에 등재된 종묘제례악의 의식무를 현대적 감각으로 재해석한 작품이다. 이 공연은 링컨센터 '섬머 포더 시티' 페스티벌 중 Korean Arts Week 프로그램 중 하나다.  



Seoul Metropolitan Dance Theatre

One Dance

July 20-22, 2023

Dabid H. Koch Theater, Lincoln Center


The Finest Group Choreography

A Crescendo of Elegance and Energy

The Essence of K-Arts


One Dance (Il-mu) has been described as “a wonderful blend of traditional and contemporary dance that reflects the times we live in.” It’s a modern interpretation of ceremonial dance from traditional Korean court music, Jongmyo Jeryeak, designated as “Intangible Cultural Heritage” by both the Korean government and UNESCO. A performance of “Il-mu,” originally played in a formation of several rows and columns of dancers, is recreated by Korean dance choreographer Hyejin Jung (Artistic Director of the SMDT) in collaboration with modern dance choreographers Sung Hoon Kim and Jae Duk Kim. A classic yet contemporary reinterpretation of ceremonial Korean traditional dance, the performance features a large formation and picturesque stage that creates a sense of grandeur, harmony, and balance. Ku-ho Jung, a Creative Director who has made a name for himself in fashion and the arts, offers his audience a compelling mise-en-scène that captures the essence of K-Arts in a feast for the eyes and the soul.

