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김수민, 최찬희 2인전 
Whip pink

April 14th - May 3rd, 2017
갤러리 Space 776 (229 Central Ave, Brooklyn, NY)

오프닝 리셉션: 6PM-8PM, April 14th, 2017

김수민, 최찬희의 2인전 'Whip Pink'가 4월 14일 - 5월 3일까지 브루클린 스페이스 776 (Space 776)에서 열린다.

전시 타이틀 ‘Whip Pink’는 김수민, 최찬희 작가가 가볍고 즐거운 제스쳐를 상상하며 하나의 놀이로 명명하며, 작품들 속에서 근본적인 질문들을 유희하는 과정을 담는다.

김수민은 매 순간의 끊임없는 질문들을 O(맞다) X(틀리다)라는 낙서를 통해 답을 구하려 한다. 맞다 혹은 틀리다로 정의 내릴수 없는 상태에서 던진 이 모순된 기호들을 반복적으로 적어 나간다. 이렇게 O, X를 낙서처럼 써 내려가는 유희 속에서 해방감과 동시에 수많은 질문들로 부터 자유로워 진다.  

최찬희는 한국의 전통적 제례 의식에서 행해지는 남성 중심의 제사 문화에 반문을 던진다. 작가는 제사에 반하는 복식이나 의식 행위를 통해 남성과 여성의 평등한 위치를 요구하는 퍼포먼스를  만든다. 제사라는 권위적인 의식에 으름장을 놓듯 신명난 놀이의 현장으로 뒤바꿈한다. 

김수민은 홍익대학교를 졸업하고 시카고 예술대학교에서 대학원을 졸업하였다. 2017년 갤러리구에서 2인전을 열었고 2016년 뉴욕에서 열리는 스콥아트페어를 비롯하여 스코트랜드 왕립 예술원에서 열리는 국제 공모전과 런던 비트린 갤러리에서 레지던시를 마친뒤 그룹전에 참가하였다.

최찬희는 동덕여대 공예과를 졸업하고 시카고 예술대학교에서 대학원을 졸업한뒤 이번 2017년부터 워싱턴 대학교에서 박사과정을 수학한다. 현재 켄터키주 코빙턴의 갤러리 PIQUE에서 개인전 'Flashing Light'을 진행중이며 미국, 헬싱키, 베를린  그리고 서울에서 전시활동을 하고 있다. 

오프닝 리셉션은 4월 14일 오후 6시부터 8시까지. https://www.space776.com

Soomeen Kim, Chanhee Choi
Whip Pink

April 14th - May 3rd, 2017 
Space 776, 229 Central Ave, Brooklyn, NY

Opening Reception: 6PM-8PM, April 14th, 2017

This spring Soomeen Kim and Chanhee Choi present Whip Pink, a co-created exhibition showing from April 14th to May 3rd in Space 776, Brooklyn, NY. We bring forth a lighter, and playful rendition of our process. Whip Pink is about collaborating in joyful celebration to showcase our works. By questioning and reevaluating our own works we present an alternate variation of our thesis. 

Soomeen’s installation series of  ‘O,X drawings’ features the method and process of finding answers in an incomplete state. Through these shapes, we attempt to depict our vision by connecting deformed particles and broken elements. These figures embody and collapse through erasure and dripping. Covering layers of images with white color eliminates previous colors and spaces. But the white that covers these images do not blanket the images underneath completely. The letters ‘O’, and ‘X’, repeatedly scrawled on the image, show an action of pursuing answers to questions internally all while liberating ourselves from the answers. We produce a solution through repetition, this is apart of the process to present our work as a celebratory action. 

Chanhee’s performance is based on Jesa,  an ancestral memorial ceremony which is rooted in both primitive and Confucianism belief. Jesa is commonly performed on the anniversary of an ancestor's death and traditional holidays. It is traditional for all of the women in the household to prepare the food while men are performing the ritual. Women are excluded from participating in Jesa. This divide, based on gender, calls to question the significance of marital status for the up and coming generation because of cultural obligation. Chanhee and her collaborators (Yona Lee, Jenny Kim) have created this Jesa performance to reverse the gender position and reclaim women’s rights. Our performance is dedicated to changing women’s roles not only in the Jesa ritual, but also future traditional practices. Jesa is turned into a collaborative performance, created to break boundaries that are restricting to Korean women in our chauvinistic culture. By creating joyful traditional practices created by women we change the tone and obligation to appease our male counterparts and take ownership of our own heritage.

Soomeen Kim
Soomeen Kim (Born in S.Korea) graduated MFA from  School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and Hong-ik university with a BFA in 2009. She has exhibited with duo show including Gallery Koo, Seoul(2017) and group shows include Scope Art Fair, New York(2016), RSA Open Exhibition, The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh(2015),  I Meet Together, I Agree, Vitrine Gallery, London(2014).

Chanhee Choi 
Chanhee Choi earned her BFA degree from Dongduk Women's University in 2013. She received her MFA in Fiber and Material Studies at School of the Art Institute in Chicago in 2016.Currently, Chanhee is starting her Ph.D. degree in Art and Technology major at DXARTS, University of Washington in 2017.
Her work has been shown at Chicago Expo, School of The Art Institute in Chicago and the Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery, as well as at venues in Germany, Finland, Korea, and cities throughout the United States. 