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Chang-Jin Lee Re-creation of a Military Comfort Station
"Re-creation of a Military Comfort Station"
Multimedia Installation, 2017
The National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, Seoul, Korea

Dear friends & colleagues,

Hope you are enjoying the summer and staying cool!

I am presenting my "Re-creation of a Military Comfort Station" installation for a "Comfort Women" Traveling Exhibit, by the National Women's History Exhibition Hall, at museums and cultural centers in 4 major cities in Korea.


If you are in Seoul, hope you can join me at the Opening:
Opening at The National Museum of Korea Contemporary History, Seoul
'하나의 진실 평화를 향한 약속' 서울 전시 개막식

월요일, 7월 10일 2시
Monday, July 10th, 2 pm

Traveling Exhibit schedule 순회전시:

in Seoul: The National Museum of Korean Contemporary History 
대한민국역사박물관 (July 3-15)

in Chunju: The Chonbuk National University Museum 
전주 전북대박물관 (July 19 - August 5)

in Daejeon: Daejeon Artist House 
대전문화재단 예술가의집 (August 10-19)
in Daegu: Daegu Art Center 
대구문화예술회관 (August 23 - September 2)

Presented by The Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (여성가족부) and The Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education (한국양성평등교육진흥원). Additional support by Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant.

KBS TV News:


The Women's News 여성신문:


Hope you can check it out if you are in any of these cities in Korea! 

Upcoming Public Art in California
Comfort Women Wanted at ReflectSpace, inside the Glendale Public Library in Glendale, California
Public Art Billboards and Bus Posters in 4 languages
ReflectSpace, The Glendale Public Library in Glendale, California
July 21 - September 1, 2017